Wednesday, August 27, 2008 and all that.....

Delicious is a social networking tool so I am told. I clicked on to the http to explore this new world of "Social networking." According to "The Shifted Librarian on PCMCL2, "It is a social bookmarking service that allows you to save bookmarks to an account on a web site, so that they are accessible from anywhere with a browser and Internet access, but also lets you share your bookmarks through tagging, just like Flickr. Very convenient! On the front page I noticed under the tag "Popular tags - Education" a cool site entitled "Online libraries."

Alongside this article they provide a useful "related links" option and I noticed there some excellent material for teaching and learning, amongst other titles. When I continued on the teaching link I came across "Teachertube" which had a video about 21st Century learning. It proports that "a 21st century learner is defined not simply by their use of new technology, but by their ability to learn autonomously." I agree!

I'm off now to discover more about Badges....

Jesus Freak

Technorati thoughts.....

From what I can gather at looking at the Technoratti website is that it is a website all about features and other related technological "add-ons" e.g IPhone. I was interested in one article about this new phone which sounded rather scarry:

Huge iPhone Security Flaw Puts All Private Information at Risk [Iphone]
There's a huge security problem in the latest iPhone 2.0.2: if you have your JesusPhone password protected, using a very simple trick gives anyone full access to your cellphone private information in Mail, SMS, Contacts, and even Safari.

While these technological advancements that come at the push of a button may appear to have it's advantages and convenience, there are pitfalls to be aware of and keeping up with these "pitfalls" caould take an enormous amount of energy! With the computer we can rely on the likes of "Norton" or "McAffee" to keep out viruses and scam, I am not sure what is out there for the Iphone generation. Perhaps this is why "Technorati" will come into it's own as a noticeboard/alert for us "less savvy" consumers?

Under the category of "Rising Itemds in Technology" further down the front page, I was interested in how Google Earth helped an Olympic athlete win a gold medal. Read about it on the following link:

Technorati has been in existence for 3 years and has registered over 50 million blogs! Wow! According to the article on Web 2.0, the blogosphere is doubling in size every 200 days, or about once every 6 and a half months. That is a staggering rate of growth and shows that everybody everywhere is scrambling to keep up with "blogging" phenomenon! I am grateful for the challenge of doing these exercises as it is "encouraging" me to stay relevant with our library consumers who are also embracing this new technology in smaller or larger bursts of enthusiasm!

In the discovery section I had a go at searching for Learning 2.0 in Technorati and there wee 11,986 entries on the subject!

In scrolling down the first couple of pages I didn't find too much that related to what I considered relevant to our Web 2.0 learning, but I did come across the blog about the first Web 2.0 Conference that is going to be held in New York and this help me understand really where Web 2.0 is heading and who , in particular, would benefit from attending this Conference.

Jesus Freak