Monday, August 4, 2008

Walk Through the Bible - The New Testament

This coming Sunday we have some special meetings with Robert Siakimotu (Open Air Campaigners). He is going to teach our congregation the main features of the New Testament through actions. It requires a lot of energy to memorise all the actions but it is a great way to gain a full picture of the highlights of the New Testament writers ranging from the disciples of Jesus through to the apostle Paul, Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Jude. We did the Old Testament books earlier in the year and the sessions were well received by all members.

Flickr Lesson - August 4th

I had some fun with Flickr this week. I have downloaded some photos from the past few years of some special times and achievements that we have celebrated as a family. You can view these on the following link. I also created a badge using flickr which was pretty cool too!