Monday, December 8, 2008

Discovering Web 2.0 online tools

For Lesson 19 we have been asked to explore some of the useful web tools available. There was a great selection and I recognised many of them as we have explored them in previous lessons. I had a look at the 3 listed below:

This is a useful site. I am going to be one of the "Any Questions?" operators in the New Year so this site will be added to "My favourites" for future reference. I like the layout of the site with subject categories listed on the left hand side for ready reference. However, when I aked a question regarding New Zealand's new Prime Minister they did not have the correct answer! Some-one submitted "Michael Cullen" as a suggestion and then there were other older comments about Helen Clark!

Here are some useful Reference Search Engines for future access:

This is a great site as you get to view videos of how to make a variety of diffent dishes from iFoods.TV or from members like me!

I like the table where you can click on a "main ingredient" and it will provide 3 iFood recipes e.g for "Tomatoes" I got the following useful recipes - Guacomole and Tomato salsa, Tomato and pepper bread and Tomato soup.

On the site you can also view the iFoods blog or other food blogs, you can enter competitions and their are other related links for interest. An interesing feature of this site is the League Table. How does the league work? The league table is updated daily but the competition lasts over one month where a member of iFoods can add one sizzling recipe per day per blog and the other members get to vote on the recipes. You get to see a snippet of the members blog on the left hand side, their ranking and members comments about the recipe.

Go on... why don't you have a look! I know those digestive juices are starting to flow..... Perhaps you're short of recipe ideas for Christmas? Check this great site out!

Well, it's time for me to sign out. I have enjoyed this task and I have some good sites to access over the coming months....and some good recipes to try out for all those yoummy summer B.B.Q's!

Catch you later....

Jesus Freak

King of Kings Church on YouTube

Our church is on YouTube!

Thought you might be interested in viewing some of the great times we have as a church enjoying the presence of God! Have a look at the great video that Jo (one of our church drummers) put together with many of my special friends! Our service times are Sunday 10 am and 6 pm.


Jesus Freak