Thursday, January 29, 2009

More Web 2.0 discoveries!


I enjoyed listening to a YouTubevideo on podcasting which I found on from our "friends at commoncraft". I have wondered where the name "podcast" came from, and I now know it means "Personal/On/Demand." A podcast is defined as "a digital recording of a radio broadcast or similar program, made available on the Internet for downloading to a personal audio player. There are thousands of podcasts are available at the iTunes Music Store, and websites such as and track thousands more.

When I was exploring podcast alley it was great to see that podcasts are categorised just like books are categorised and you could see the top 10 podcasts downloaded (mostly about sex!) and those that were more recently added to the list. I decided to have a look at the "Religion and Spirituality" genre out of curiosity to see if there were any preachers that I was interested in. There were 2545 to selcet from! WOW! Very impressive. The podcasts were listed by their title. No. 10 on the list sounded interesting and when I clicked on the title a brief descriptor appeared which outlined what the podcast was all about - cool feature! Pray-as-you-go was not a sermon or a bible-study, but provided a framework for your own prayer, combining music, scripture and questions for reflection (10-12 minute prayer session) that you can receive every day. At No. 273 was a "Drive time Devotions" from Saddleback church. Browsing down the list there seemed to be a lot of Catholic based stuff and pagan stuff which doesn't interest me at all. looked much more appealing and it was neat how they showed a selcetion of podcasts on their homepage as well as an index on the RHS for you to select from e.g "What's in the news " and "digital planet".

I had an enjoyable time viewing the host of sites and RSS feeds that I could select from to fill up all my waking hours! All I need now is the iPod! Now which one will I start with......

Bye for now

Jesus Freak