Saturday, August 28, 2010

Web 2.02 - Feedmyinbox

This was a straight forward task and the dvd was easy to understand and execute - easier that picapps! I have left that until I can talk to some-one who has had some success in copying the image into their blog!

I added several feeds to my inbox - Youtube/CNN and Christchurch City Library. I chose this library because they have a better teen site than most of the others in the recommended list - apart from Manukau City libraries! :-)

I woudl probably use the site again if there was a site that I wanted to keep up with. I did try some other sites like and and BBC News, but I didn't have any success with those sites. Perhaps they aren't set up for feeds??

I am not sure if there would be too many opportunities to recommend this site to our patrons, but it may be worthwhile to suggest it to teachers or parents who may like to subscribe to news sites or blogs. Personally I get enough email that I don't really want too much other stuff coming into my email. When I did the RSS feeds exercise last year I got so much info coming in that I couldn't keep up with it and I deleted the feeds after 6 months!

I guess it will probably be a similar experience this time around as well!


Jesus Freak

1 comment:

tosca said...

I used to use FeedMyInbox back in 2008 when they offered unlimited RSS feeds free of charge. I then created a inbox folder and had a rule set up to send everything there automatically. At the time it was great, nowadays I'm more likely to use an iPhone app to keep up to date ;) Now my biggest problem is, like you say in your post, information overload! Don't feel bad stating that sites like this don't have much use for customers - it's definitely ok to say so. It also gives me an idea of where to steer clear of next time around :)